Downsizing With Dementia and Ways to Ease the Transition of Relocation

When downsizing with dementia, an older loved one may feel anxious, but these ideas can help ease the transition.

You’ve determined the family home is just too much for your parents to take care of. A small home is for sale just around the corner from you that’s ideal: a lovely flower garden in the backyard, a bright, updated kitchen, and no stairs to navigate. Now it is time to start the downsizing process. The only problem? Mom has dementia. 

Change and downsizing with dementia can be especially challenging for seniors. Leaving the familiarity of home and moving into a brand new one can increase feelings of anxiety and agitation, but there are strategies to ease the transition.

  1. Go slow. You might be tempted to make the process as quick as possible – like ripping off a band-aid. However, a much better approach in this situation is taking time to discuss the upcoming changes with the senior, one step at a time. Keep a consistent and calm demeanor, and empower the older adult to maintain as much control over the necessary decisions as possible. 
  2. Create a system. Downsizing means a number of the older adult’s possessions will have to be re-homed or discarded. Again, include the senior in the decision-making process to the greatest extent possible. There will very likely be specific items the senior can’t bear to part with, which can be placed into storage if the new living arrangement can’t accommodate them. If there are items the individual infrequently uses or sees, however, it might be less complicated to have those removed before involving the person in the process.
  3. Maintain memories. Take pictures and/or videos of some of the items being discarded or donated, and use them to create a memory album for the senior. This enables the older adult to revisit the items anytime they would like and can also be used to spark reminiscing and conversations after the move. 
  4. Set up the new home yourself. Arrange the senior’s most loved furnishings and items of comfort within the new living environment before bringing them in. Include photographs of loved ones near the bed, so they can see them when they go to bed and first wake up. Then bring the senior in, and help with rearranging anything they’d like adjusted. This process will lessen the anxiety that can occur for someone having to unpack and figure out the best locations to place items in a new environment.

Our dementia care team is fully trained, experienced, and highly skilled, and we’re here to help through the downsizing process and beyond. Call us at (630) 323-4665 for assistance or to learn more about our dementia care in Lombard and the surrounding areas.