Six R’s of Caring for a Loved One With Dementia

woman pointing to post-it notes with senior man
Caring for someone with dementia is easier with these 6 tips.

When caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s, it’s important to remind yourself that you ARE capable, you ARE doing an excellent job, and you ARE making a difference! And while you’re self-affirming, there are several additional “Rs” that can help both you and the person in your care; six of them, to be exact.

What Are the Six Rs in Dementia Caregiving?

The six Rs of caring for a loved one with dementia are steps to help you effectively manage some of the more challenging components of dementia:

  1. Reassure: What was once familiar and routine may now be distressing and concerning. This can include loud noises, waning daylight hours, unknown visitors, and sometimes even hallucinations. Offer words of reassurance such as, “It’s ok. You’re safe. I am right here with you.”
  2. Reassess: Make an effort to discover the primary cause for the person’s agitation or fear. Make sure to explore any potential physical causes, for example, thirst, hunger, pain or discomfort. If you’re uncertain, check in with the person’s doctor for direction.
  3. Reconsider: Give consideration to the way the particular trigger is affecting the individual. Remind yourself that none of these reactions or behaviors are deliberate. They are the results of the disease of dementia. A little empathy can go a long way towards reducing your stress, and theirs.
  4. Redirect: Find a calming activity, or change the environment. If the noise of the dishwasher is upsetting the individual, simply going into the family room to play a card game may be all that’s necessary to rebuild a sense of calm.
  5. Relax: Any agitation you are expressing, either through words or body posture, will probably worsen the situation. Take a good deep breath, relax your body, and use a calm, quiet voice. Make sure to designate ample time away from your care duties for self-care too.
  6. Review: Once the person is calm again, reflect back over the situation to consider what worked (or didn’t work). Keeping a journal is a great way to track coping mechanisms and their effectiveness.

Providing care for a person with dementia is a selfless endeavor that, while fulfilling and rewarding, can also be extremely challenging and emotionally draining. The best thing you can do for your loved one is to make sure you’re taking excellent care of yourself. Allow plenty of time for activities and socialization with others to ensure you stay rested and refreshed.

If you’re finding it difficult to step away from your caregiving role on a regular basis, give Independence-4-Seniors Home Care a call. We can meet with you in the comfort of home to talk through the obstacles you are facing and to offer more dementia care tips along with in-home Alzheimer’s care support. We are here to help whenever you need us. Give us a call at 630-323-4665 or contact us online for assistance in Hinesdale and the surrounding area.