Summary of Broken Heart Syndrome and How to Foster Healing

Broken heart syndrome is a very real, temporary heart condition with physical implications. It is often triggered by the stress and emotion of a personal loss.

In his documentary about grief, George Shelley uses the analogy of glitter. Toss a handful of glitter into the air, and it’s going to settle into all the cracks and crevices of the room, impossible to fully sweep up and remove. Anyone who has lost a loved one can relate. Yet in some instances, grief can be so overwhelming that it can lead to a serious and aptly-named condition: broken heart syndrome.

Broken heart syndrome is a very real physical condition from the intense stress experienced in some forms of grief (such as one spouse losing the other after decades of marriage). The medical term is takotsubo cardiomyopathy, a temporary enlargement of the heart that prevents it from pumping blood effectively. 

And, it’s more common than you may realize. A number of high-visibility examples include George H.W. Bush, who became ill following the death of his wife of 73 years, and Johnny Cash, who passed away just four months after the loss of his wife. 

Researchers have been studying the impact of grief on a person’s physical health for years. In 1995, for instance, the term “widowhood effect” was coined to explain the 30% increase in mortality rate faced by those who lost a longtime partner. Other scientists determined a connection between the immune system and grief. It seems that some surviving spouses simply lose the will to live. 

Help prevent this condition and ease the pain of grief for a senior you love with these tips.

  • Provide a listening ear and encourage him or her to express their grief in a healthy way.
  • Look for a grief support group for the senior to attend, either in person or virtually.
  • Suggest the older adult speak with a counselor to work through overwhelming emotions.
  • Talk about the lost loved one, allowing the opportunity for shared stories and memories.
  • Remind the older adult of everything they have to live for, the positive experiences ahead, and that enjoying what life has to offer is the best way to honor the lost loved one’s legacy.
  • Make sure he or she is staying hydrated, eating healthy foods, and getting plenty of sleep.
  • Help the older adult stay engaged in comforting, enjoyable activities as much as possible.

A trained caregiver companion from Independence-4-Seniors Home Care is also a great way to help a senior who is at risk for broken heart syndrome. We provide socialization and plenty of opportunities for conversations and reminiscing, as well as engaging activities, transportation wherever they would like to go, and more. Contact us at (630) 323-4665 for a free in-home consultation to learn more about options for senior care in Downers Grove and surrounding areas.