Navigating the Sensitive Issue of Competency When Caring for Seniors

The earliest signs might be so subtle that a lot of people wouldn’t even recognize that anything is amiss. Mom is extroverted, pleasant, and conversational while visiting family and friends and while running errands. However those closest to her have begun to pick up on concerns: forgetting about the soup cooking on the stove, leading to a scorched pan, placing her keys in the cookie jar. or neglecting to pay bills.

As an adult child of someone in the beginning stages of compromised safety or the ability to make sensible choices, it can be extremely difficult to transition to an increased amount of involvement and care – however it is also very important to take the appropriate steps sooner rather than later.

Much like broaching any confrontational topic of conversation, speaking with your parent about the concerns you’re seeing may be met with resistance and defensiveness in the beginning. And yet, it is crucial to outline the particular reasons behind your concern, and the negative consequences if these behaviors continue on or worsen.

Independence-4-Seniors Home Care, providers of home care in La Grange, Hinsdale, and the surrounding areas,suggests the following strategies:

  1. Be sure that a durable power of attorney has been designated.
  2. Confirm with your siblings that the problem has to be dealt with, and discuss together what options are suitable for the senior’s care as needs continue to advance.
  3. Continue being loving but steady in your strategy. Explain the choices you’ve thought through. If she balks at the idea of moving to an assisted living facility, which many seniors do, suggest an in-home caregiver instead, permitting her to be independent and safe within the comfort of home.
  4. Take into account that it will probably take a few conversations before the older adult accepts the need for help and support – which is the reason why it is important to begin the process without delay.

At Independence-4-Seniors Home Care, we are knowledgeable in assisting seniors to feel comfortable and positive regarding how our services can help enhance safety and overall quality of life and wellbeing. As soon as your family decides the time is right for assistance, we are able to help with highly personalized care that will meet a wide range of needs, including:

  • Companionship
  • Meal planning and preparation
  • Housework and laundry
  • Transportation
  • Running errands
  • Highly specialized care for dementia
  • And so much more

Whether the need is for several hours weekly to improve safety and socialization, full-time care, or anything in between, partnering with Independence-4-Seniors Home Care improves quality of life for seniors and gives peace of mind for people who love them. Call us at (630) 323-4665 for an in-home assessment to learn how we can assist.

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