How to Begin Making New Friends as Older Adults

Social interaction has many benefits for seniors, but how do you go about making new friends as older adults?

If you’ve ever watched small children at the park, you know how effortlessly friendships are formed. A small group can be playing tag, and a newcomer runs over with a breathless, “Can I play?” By and large, the reply is a resounding, “Yes!” and thus – instant friends.

If only it were that simple as adults! Friendships offer a great deal of benefits, and they are especially important for seniors adhering to COVID-related isolation protocols. So how can you assist the seniors you love to boost and also make some new friends? Short of jumping into a pick-up game of hide-and-seek, try these tips for making new friends as older adults:

  • Join a club. Brainstorm topics of interest together with the family member; find out what they are interested in. Perhaps knitting, reading, gardening, fishing, or sports? Next, search on the internet for groups in your area that meet to enjoy those activities together. A nearby senior center may be a helpful resource as well. In the event that you can’t find an already-established group, consider starting one of your own!
  • Take a class. Community colleges frequently offer reduced-cost (or no-cost) classes for seniors. Browse through an online list of courses to locate several that trigger curiosity, and sign up. Don’t forget to check out health and fitness classes too! A range of exercise programs tailored especially to seniors can be found at the local gym or YMCA.
  • Attend religious services. Many seniors stayed away from religious services during the pandemic. As it becomes safer to venture out, a good way to build both friendships and faith is by attending religious organizations. Many frequently offer weekday programs and study groups in addition to worship services.
  • Get involved virtually. There are countless opportunities to meet others remotely – even more now that the pandemic has caused us to think outside of the box and has given rise to online platforms. From learning new languages to online games to yoga, no matter what interest, there is likely a virtual version available!

Once participating in new activities such as these, it may still be challenging to understand how to bridge the gap from an acquaintance to a friend. Help loved ones remember that more than likely, everybody else in the room is feeling the same trepidation and self-consciousness to some extent. Find inspiration in the children on the playground. Encourage the older adult to make the first move to start a friendly, pleasant conversation. Sometimes all it takes is just one person courageous enough to break the ice to kick off a lifelong friendship!

Our caregiving companions are wonderful friends for seniors too! We carefully match each person with a caregiver who shares a comparable personality type and interests, leading to a natural and strong bond between the two. Contact Independence-4-Seniors Home Care  at (630) 323-4665  to learn more about aging care in Western Springs and surrounding areas, or to schedule a free in-home consultation to begin crafting a custom care solution.